2020 – The Year of Gasser Helicopter!
Hello Gasser Lovers.
Our small Community decided that the year 2020 will be the Gassers Year!
I can not be more happy about that and to be honnest i feel a bit responsible for this act. 🙂
As a Hobbyist and an Engineer i want to see better days comming to our Hobby and more people appreciete the Gassers. Personally i will do my best for that.
I want to let to know that i am glad for all this support that i receved the past years that helped me to continue work with a non-stop Passion.
Years ago was not easy for someone to release a gasser conversion kit due the lack of investment, little trust from the Original Manufactures and very small demand of the hobbyists for gasser helicopters, but these days all seems to be better. More and more Gasser models are flying around the world.
I want to thank you.
All the friends out there that supports BLACKOUT MODS Ideas – Consepts – Products.
All of us we must be thankful to the Team pilots, Team Managers, Retailers and Heli Manufacturers for the help that they generous give to us.
Without their help would be impossible to produce so many Gasser Designs for different Brands at such little amount of time.
CAD Files are not Peanuts..
Drawing Files are one of the most important assets for the Companies and when they provide them to some guy from the other edge of the world is a huge risk for them and an amazing honor But also big responsibility for the guy.. (the guy is me) 🙂
SYNERGY, MIKADO, MINICOPTER, XL POWER, via Team pilots or Owners Directly, They provide all the Help i need in order to work fast and efficient on my Gasser Designs.
We must to support them and respect their hard work they do in order to bring up these great machines to us, especially against some others that they steal and produce clones or copies..
Some persons (directly involved with the brands or just hobbyists) they are also too important for all of these accomplishments.
Carey Surley, Mat Botos, Doug Darby, Ben Storick, Kyle Dahl, Chuck Birt, Ra Kabun & Matthew Murray.
These are the Persons that they are always available when i need them for all kind of projects (Gasser or Turbine) and i feel grateful that i work with them.
Thank you Guys. I hope one day we can meet each other in person.
2020 Is the Gassers Year!
Keep RC Helis Alive.
Best Regards from Greece,