Steroids Injection – G700Z V2
Its always sad to see a Manufacturer getting out of Business. When that happens it reminds us that our Community is very small and fragile.
Helibug was one of the very first Manufacturers that helped Gasser Helicopters be easily available to the Hobbyists and we must to be thankful for that.
Regardless the quality, the design, the popularity or the sales, the competition was, is and will be here for all of us and this is the most important thought in order to make us all better and better with inspiration for new ideas, new Manufacturing technics, new products and more power to continue developing and enjoy this great Hobby..
Helicopters get stacked to the ground due the lack of parts and support its not cool..
So, after lots of requests & as we want to help all our Gasser friends that they own HeliBug converted Gasser Helicopters, we are happy to announce that we will redesign our G700Z Conversion KIT ( for the older Align TREX 700N) and we will give to all of Helibug TREX 700N Gasser Conversion owners a huge discount in order to replace their conversion kits with BLACKOUT – TREX 700N model and feel safe again to fly and continue to enjoy.
In that way, all Helibug TREX 700N Gasser conversion users will can Upgrade their beloved Gassers with a BLACKOUT G700Z V2 Conversion KIT saving 30% of the normal Price of the KIT and if they were afraid to fly or they have crashed a gasser now they will have a great opportunity to rebuild and continue enjoy with the quality and support of BLACKOUT Team.
The BLACKOUT – G700Z V2 Gasser Conversion kit will works with 115T Straight Main Gears and the newer Align 110T and 112T Slant Main Gears giving the option to the users to be updated and enjoy their Gasser for long time without worries for Conversion KIT Spares availability or Discontinued parts from Align part.
The G700Z V2 will have lots of nice upgrades on the design and parts taking advantage of all of our experience that we have earned working on our other Models (Gassers & Turbine).
Our Goal with this new Conversion kit is to offer a ‘steroids injection’ in the whole fleet in the world that struggles to avoid the extinction.
TREX 700 Gasser Helicopters was and they still are very nice flying machines, from the older N Version to the newest X.
I hope this news makes happy lots of Gasser lovers.
Find more info about G700Z V2 Conversion kit here.
Best Regards