Hello there.
For a long time now i see the problem and i was thinking that we must do something about it..
The guys at MSH they did a nice POWER BUS PCB for their PROTOS Helis and they opened the road to this project..
Of course, a direct mounting of a PCB on the frames of a Gass Powered Helicopter will be a disaster..
Thats why we worked on this idea little bit more in order to design a board that can make our Helis even more pretty with less wiring but with some extra useful features too!
This is our ULTRA POWER BUS BOARD especially designed for our upcoming EXTREME Version of G700XZ Gasser Conversion KIT.
- Easy & safe Servo connection with no messy wiring.
- Routing the signals of all 5 Servos, governor sensor and the power lines in HV Setup.
- Power Capacitor ensures voltage stabilization against drop downs under heavy load spikes.
- Power Switch circuit with MOSFET Transistor rated up to 30 Volts & 80Amps.
- 2S Lipo protection circuit with voltage level indicator leds and alarm bazzer support.
- JST Connections for Easy charge of the battery with rear connection access.
- High quality double layered PCB with smd electronic components.
- Vibration Isolated mounting using servo rubber grommets & M2.5 Hex Screws.
Soon will be ready and we will test it on our new G700XZ EXTREME Gasser Heli!
Stay tuned..